Greg's Story

Well soon after I was divorced I went to an internet dating site that was kind of the Mormon equivalent of eHarmony it was called LDS promise. They have an extensive online questionnaire that asks you a ton of questions so that they can find your EXACT match. Well it turns out the first person that comes up as my EXACT match is a user called Jenshep.

Let me go back so that you can understand a few things. When I was a missionary in Iowa, I wrote to a beautiful girl with whom a former companion hooked me up. Elder Joseph Croft was writing to several girls from back home (MN) and so he got sick of me complaining that I had no one to write so he gave me Jennifer's address. We wrote from that day forward until a few months after my mission. She used to sign all the return address info with JenShep so this "name" was very familiar to me.

I was certainly startled by the 'connection'. I was probably more shocked by the idea that I could make contact with an old friend. I tried several ways to make contact with her but the site limited me to her willingness to respond. I soon gave up through that avenue and thought no more of the opportunity.

I was making no headway with LDSpromise as it seemed their database of members was small or that it wasn't quite as popular as the other LDS dating sites. So, I headed over to LDSmingle.

Mingle was much better in terms of variety. Sure, it didn't have the extensive profile that Promise had, but the interaction tools were much better. I had been online for about a week with Mingle when I, once again, encountered Jennifer's profile (This time she had pictures).

Well I knew for sure it was "my Jenny" (as Forrest Gump would say)! I began to send her all kinds of emails, cards and chat requests because Mingle gave me more contact options. I received no response and so I considered contact with her a lost cause.

I soon focused my online profile on creative 'advertising' so I created the following rhyming profile:


(in the 'spirit of schoohouse rock)

Introduction, what's your function?
Hookin up dates, fun, hugs and some kisses.

Introduction, what's your function?
To let others know that I should be............. in their list of choices?

Ok so I didn't quite get that one quite perfect,
but perfection is a journey not a destination.
(at least while I'm here on the earth.
which of course, if my status changes then you
will probably not hear from me ever again. In
which case I will be beyond the veil
and doing the work of GOD in the heavens.)

ok.. now what was it that I was telling you?

Some of my favorite things to do...

re to spell my name backward, it's Yrogerg Floow
but if you want to date just send me a mail
I'm sure I'll be 'mingling' until I prevail

If I'm unsuccessful at getting a date
I'll be consigned to meet my fate

What is that? What could that be?
I really don't know, We'll have to see.

My least favorite things to do...

is to bash with the antis at a spiritual venue

or sit outside during the heat of the day
waiting and waiting for the return of .... yahweh?

Wait, is that blasphemous?
I really don't know.
ummm, sorry, I was never here..
I really must go. ;-)

If I had $10 million ...

then you would see
a person who's happy
I'd act very carefree

Oh, I would pay my tithing
I'd do all 'that stuff'.
I'd be earnestly striving.
You know, really? is $10 million enough?

My perfect day would be...

the marriage of lovebirds for all eternity.

*with heartfelt sighs and the batting of the eyes*

(hey even that rhymes)

My greatest opportunity for improvement is...

to change you to a mrs.
instead of a ms.

One final thing I'd like to mention...

I do not like
to stir up contention

RHYMING is fun you should give it a try.
it really won't hurt,
NOPE, not even a fly.

I also added to this profile, a series of photographs (the first five in the set) to show off my 'skills' (because we all know a girl likes a guy with SKILLS).

Soon after I began my new 'marketing' plan ;-) I decided to send an Independence Day card to some of my past contacts (Jen being one of them).

Jen apparently took another look and read my profile. This is where she proved her skills, as she was able to instantly decipher my name spelled backwards.

This is kinda where her story and mine merge.

I will have to say that I wasn't really thinking anything like MARRIAGE would come out of our contact, but I am certainly glad it did. At the time I was just thinking I could catch up with an old friend.

It's a good thing she came to visit me. I would have probably just kept dating others while calling her occasionally.

Yeah I know, I broke a few hearts when I went off the market... but Jen knew what she wanted and I like a girl that is confident like that!!

I love you babe!


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