Great day!

I just took Jilly to get her first Mani-Pedi. I needed a pedicure – but I haven’t had one since I was with you a year ago. I was sure that I was going to sob through it – Greg assured me that is was exactly the reason why I needed to get one. He is an amazing husband!! So we went. I posted pictures to my Facebook. She was so cute. She got flowers on her big toes and on her thumbs. It made me think of all of my experiences with you. It is so helpful to me that I now have a daughter that I can share things with that I used to share with you. We found this consignment shop on the bottom floor of the apartment building we went to look at yesterday for Allen. You would have LOVED it. You would have been their BEST customer!! I got a GORGEOUS Lane cedar chest. I have always had romantic ideas about my children going into my cedar chest and pulling out all of these wonderful and cherished items. Now I am so excited that I have one. I just have to fill it!


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