Dancing Queen

At our Enrichment we had a "Celebrate Her" night. It included tables to display our talents and then a talent show. A group of us got together and performed Dancing Queen like in Mama Mia. We had a great time!! Watch, laugh, and enjoy!! I am the one in the blue, silver and fringe (if you ask Greg, I looked like Janice from the Muppets). Mom is the Dancing Queen in the chair in the front. I love my peeps! You guys ROCK!!


MomWoolf said…
I was fun! I loved it. And you look pretty good in your flashy blue spandex!

--Mom Woolf
Leslie said…
I love it! What a fun time. Go girls!
Ryan Anderson said…
ABBA rocks. I listen to them at work a lot and people make fun of me, but I don't care!
Andie said…
Your mom rocks! Also, did you swallow a tapeworm or something to lose your baby weight so quickly? You look great.
Anna said…
Where. Did you. Get. THAT OUTFIT!
Haha! I loved it! Your choreography and spacial patterns are fantastic! Who was your choreographer?
Man, is seriously my FAVORITE-est song! Now I don't know if i can fall asleep I'm so excited!
Jen said…
Spacial patterns??? Ha ha ha!! Anna you crack me up. We were just trying not to run into each other!!

Andie - I love you! Thanks for being blind!!

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